Posted by: katierigbyoliver | December 31, 2012

2012, in short.

My friend Sarah started her “Year in Review” tradition a few years ago.   Because she is brilliant, I followed her lead on this front.  

 So, 2012, in short:

 Watched the sunset on Pawley’s Island. Ran along the Mall in DC on a cold, cold, February morning.  Drank cocktails on the Ocean Course at Kiawah on a Monday afternoon in May.  Joined a CSA and added several recipes to my limited cooking repertoire. Ran (perhaps an overstatement) the Peachtree Road Race.  Ate fried oysters and drank Bloody Mary’s for breakfast in Charleston.  Celebrated my brother becoming “Doctor Rigby.” Fawned over brides and was in weddings number18 (Bell) and number 19 (Kendrick).  Witnessed Bill Clinton capture an audience during a speech at KIPP School Summit 2012 in Orlando.  Walked the Highline in NYC on a hot, muggy, summer night.  Visited KIPP Schools in Helena, Arkansas, Washington, D.C.,  and New Orleans, Louisiana.  Continued to teach my 2-year old niece that she is a Rigby and Rigby’s dance.  Enjoyed summer in Boston on Nate and Erin’s boat. Drank lots of wine with old friends in the mountains on a crisp, fall day.  Voted.  Had a SC oyster roast with family for Thanksgiving.  Discovered (and had my life changed by) Pure Barre.  Witnessed the teacher strike in Chicago, Illinois.  Took a spontaneous road trip to New Orleans and spent Fat Tuesday on Bourbon Street and having a traditional crawfish boil with some natives. 


2012, much like the rest of life, was full of ups and downs.  Pausing for a moment, however, I am thankful to have another year of experiences and memories that will continue to shape my relationships, choices, and worldview.  Here’s to 2013 and everything that it may bring.

“May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you’re wonderful, and don’t forget to make some art — write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself.”


Neil Gaiman  (via rainydaysandblankets)



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